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In Australia and Japan, I have been conducting workshops based on bodywork, psychosomatic therapy, Therapist training, and some collaborative workshops with other Health care professionals.

I will try to provide workshop contents that can be tailored to the individual needs of my client. Please contact me first by e-mail for customizing the following workshop contents, questions, new requests, etc.

Emotional Release Workshop ( Theory & Practical )

Japanese only see Japanese version

Emotional Release Workshop ( Theory )

Japanese only see Japanese version

Introduction of Psychosomatic Therapy

Face Reading/ Foot Reading / Body Reading       

3 hours each  $ 130 


To understand personality, stress pattern, personal nature by reading body. This is an introduction of psychosomatic therapy.The first one is for a face. The second one is for foot. The third one is for the body . Either the face version or the foot version can participate, but the body version is only for the person who have completed face and foot can participate.  


Minimum number of participants 2 people

For massage therapists or other body practitioners  experienced bodywork (yoga, pilates, etc.)

For someone experience in energy work   

Chakra and Body connection workshop

Japanese only see Japanese version

4day intensive course / 1 day introduction to Massage course

Massage Schools of Queensland presents Workshop 

This is a  Four-day intensive Swedish massage course at an Australian government-certified massage school. You will learn Swedish massage, which is the basic of massage( theory and practical skills).

Upon completion, an Australian Government-approved certificate will be issued by  Massage Schools of Queensland.

For someone who is interested in Certificate IV in Massage or just simpley want to learn basic massage skills ,this is a great course.

Credit can be used when you enqure Certificate IV in Massage or Diploma of Massage course at Massage Schools of Queensland. More Information

There is also 1 day introduction to Massage course. More Information

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